
This module is responsible for calculating the scores dicts (Episode.scores and Movie.scores) by assigning a score to a match.


To avoid unnecessary dependency on sympy and boost subliminal’s import time, the resulting scores are hardcoded in their respective classes and manually updated when the set of equations change.

Available matches:

  • hearing_impaired
  • format
  • release_group
  • resolution
  • video_codec
  • audio_codec
  • imdb_id
  • hash
  • title
  • year
  • series
  • season
  • episode
  • tvdb_id

The Subtitle.get_matches method get the matches between the Subtitle and the Video and compute_score() computes the score.


Solve the score equations for an Episode.

The equations are the following:

  1. hash = resolution + format + video_codec + audio_codec + series + season + episode + year + release_group
  2. series = resolution + video_codec + audio_codec + season + episode + release_group + 1
  3. year = series
  4. tvdb_id = series + year
  5. season = resolution + video_codec + audio_codec + 1
  6. imdb_id = series + season + episode + year
  7. format = video_codec + audio_codec
  8. resolution = video_codec
  9. video_codec = 2 * audio_codec
  10. title = season + episode
  11. season = episode
  12. release_group = season
  13. audio_codec = 2 * hearing_impaired
  14. hearing_impaired = 1
Returns:the result of the equations.
Return type:dict

Solve the score equations for a Movie.

The equations are the following:

  1. hash = resolution + format + video_codec + audio_codec + title + year + release_group
  2. imdb_id = hash
  3. resolution = video_codec
  4. video_codec = 2 * audio_codec
  5. format = video_codec + audio_codec
  6. title = resolution + video_codec + audio_codec + year + 1
  7. release_group = resolution + video_codec + audio_codec + 1
  8. year = release_group + 1
  9. audio_codec = 2 * hearing_impaired
  10. hearing_impaired = 1
Returns:the result of the equations.
Return type:dict